Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get a signed copy of your books?
From my local indie Caprichos Books!
Will you read my book and offer me feedback?
No! And it’s not because I don’t want to read your YA about time traveling twins who are switched at birth and hijinks ensue (not that it doesn’t sound awesome) but because writing keeps me very busy! Also, because I might be working on my own YA about time traveling twins, and that would be very, very awkward.
I do however recommend you join a critique group (check with your local library to see if there’s an existing writing community or places like the website Meet Up) and get in person critique from a person you can chat with who will also love your time traveling twins.
Will you attend my event?
Probably not! My writing schedule for 2025 is pretty packed and travel is always the thing that goes first. Please note I will not be doing school/book club visits for the foreseeable future, even if virtual. For festival/conference invites please go through my publicist at either Harper or Disney/Lucasfilm Publishing or drop a line through my contact page.
Are there more Dread Nation books?
Alas, fair reader, Dread Nation is a duology consisting of Dread Nation and Deathless Divide. There might be more stories in that world one day, but as of right now there are none planned (or contracted).
Is there a Dread Nation movie or TV show in the works?
Perhaps! The future is always in flux and this changes daily.
How do I write you a letter?
You can drop emails in the form on the contact page and you can snail mail letters to my PO box:
PO Box 1011
Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Please keep in mind that I do not answer emails (except for appearance requests) but I appreciate the kind words you send along (the angry words are saved in a folder of hate mail in case I am ever murdered or go missing, Misery -style).
How did you get to write Star Wars?
I wrote a lot of other books first! So if Star Wars or something similar is a thing you want to do your best bet is to be an accomplished writer in other areas.
Will you blurb my book?
Maybe! If I like it! I only blurb traditionally published books, please have your editor contact my agent Laura Rennert at Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
Do you stay up nights thinking about what happens to you after you die?
Yes, every night. So far I think you either become part of the energy of the universe like the whole sad Buddhist wave analogy Chidi tells Eleanor about in the Good Place or you go back and relive everything all over again, meaning that time is cyclical and we are all trapped in our own unique paths, forever trying to right our mistakes and therefore giving us an impossible number of realities.